Simplify Underwriting using AI

Clik brings you a cloud-based AI tool to help you accelerate your vision.

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Great deals move fast! That's why our users in the multifamily space love us. Clik enables them to make great informed decisions on deals in a fraction of a time. Our cloud-based AI analyst reads, understands, and re-structures the data in a format where you can run multitudes of analysis in minutes. Standardize property financials, gain insight into risks, double your deal flow and much more.

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Underwrite Within Minutes

Upload raw documents and prepare industry standard IRR and underwriting models quickly by drastically cutting down hours of manual work of extracting financials from Operating Statements, Rent Rolls and Trailing statements.

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Automated Extraction of Key Financials

Clik engine extracts and catogorise key financials from TTM, OS & Rent Roll and classifies line items for further analysis. If you receive deals in multiple formats including PDFs and Excels, clik combines them all in a format you that works for your diligence.

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Advanced Data Analysis and Insights

Advanced automated underwriting employed by clik's AI engine, saves time and generates insightful analytics that help you make decision and assess risks more accurately.

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